muc web useWork can cause stress.  Anyone can be affected by stress regardless of age, gender, race or ethnicity. Stress is a physical, mental, and emotional factor that causes tension and strain on the mind and body. The causes of stress can be both external and internal. External stress factors can be environmental, psychological, social and work situations. Internal stress comes from inside the body; includiWC work stressng mental and physical illnesses. It is very important to deal with stress properly because it can eventually cause many medical conditions. Some psychological conditions that may be of concern are: depression, anxiety, irritable bowel syndrome, high blood pressure, diabetes, and poor healing. Managing stress is extremely important. Stress is a part of life, but the healthier you are, the better you’re able to manage stress when it happens.

There are numerous ways a person can relieve and manage stress. Here are some relaxing and quick fix treatments which can help with stress:

1. Be Present

It is important in our busy lives to stop and focus on one thing. Taking a few minutes to focus on one behavior such as noticing how air feels on your face when you’re walking or how your feet feel hitting the ground – can take away some stress.

2. Breathe Deeply

Stop what you’re doing and sit down to focus on your breath for five minutes. Keep your eyes closed and take slow, deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth.

3. Meditate

Practicing meditation a few minutes each day helps ease anxiety and tension. According to psychologist Robbie Maller Hartman, PhD, research suggests that daily meditation may alter the brain’s neural pathways, which make you more resilient to stress.

To meditate: sit up straight with both feet on the floor and close your eyes. Try to focus your attention on reciting either out loud or silently a positive mantra such as “I feel at peace” or “I love myself.” Place one hand on your belly to sync the mantra with your breaths. Let go of any stress or distractions from your thoughts.

4. Reach Out

Talking to a friend and reaching out to your peers can help you with managing stress. Share your thoughts and feelings and whatever it is going on in your life and they can give you a fresh perspective while keeping your connection strong.

5. Tune in to Your Body

Take some time to think to yourself and mentally scan your body to get a sense of how stress affects it each day. Do this in a position you feel comfortable with: sit, stand, or lie down. Begin down at your toes and work your way up to your scalp and notice how your body feels.

6. Listen to Music

It has been proven that listening to soothing music can lower blood pressure, heart rate, and anxiety.

7. Laugh Out Loud

Laughing lightens your day and releases a lot of stress that you are hold inside of you. When you laugh it lowers your cortisol (your body’s stress hormone) while boosting chemicals called endorphins, which help improve your mood. A few things you can do is turning on your favorite sitcom or movie, reading comics, or chatting with someone who makes your smile.

8. Decompress

Place a warm heat wrap around your neck and shoulder for 10 minutes. Relax your face, neck, upper chest, and back muscles and close your eyes. Remove the wrap and use a tennis ball or foam roller to massage away the tension.

9. Get Moving

Exercise such as running, yoga, or walking can ease depression and anxiety. While doing any of these exercises the brain releases feel-good chemicals and gives your body a chance to practice and deal with stress.

10. Be Grateful

Keep a gratitude journal around in areas that will be easy for you to access; it could be by your bed, in your purse, or in your car, etc. According to Jonic Emmerling, a wellness coach in Greenville, NC, being grateful for your blessings cancels out negative thoughts and worries. When you start to feel stressed just pull out the journal and take a few minutes to look through it keeping in mind what really matters in your life.


The information provided is for general interest only and should not be misconstrued as a diagnosis, prognosis or treatment recommendation. This information does not in any way constitute the practice of medicine, or any other health care profession. Readers are directed to consult their health care provider regarding their specific health situation. Marque Medical is not liable for any action taken by a reader based upon this information.