Winter can wreak havoc on our skin. Dry air, cold temperature, recirculated air and indoor heating can cause common and uncomfortable skin conditions like dry and/or chapped skin, lips, dry hands and cuticles.

Dry skin can be caused by genetics, weather, external exposures, and environmental conditions. For some sufferers, skin can become so dry it cracks. In the winter time or in colder temperatures, using a heavier, oil-based skin lotion or skin conditioner daily can help relieve dry skin symptoms like flaking and itching. Using humidifiers can also help with dry skin symptoms by adding moisture to the air. Avoiding excessively hot baths or showers can also help to keep your skin soft and hydrated.

Chapped skin and lips are often the result of colder temperature as well. Lips can be more prone to becoming dry or chapped because the skin on your lips is much thinner than on other parts of your body. Avoid biting or licking lips excessively when lips are chapped. Keeping lips moisturized with lip balms are beneficial. Be cautious using flavored balms as they may tempt you to lick your lips more frequently.

Dry hands and cuticles can be another condition of winter weather. Not only can this condition be unattractive, it can also be painful. You should never cut your cuticles or try to tear them. Torn or cracked cuticles can be an avenue for infection. Soaking cuticles in olive oil or rubbing a cuticle cream/oil on them throughout the day can be beneficial in keeping cuticles hydrated and moisturized. Using a heavy hand cream and gloves at night can help alleviate dry hand symptoms.

A good rule to follow is to stay hydrated by drinking water throughout the day to prevent dehydration.  This will assist your overall health. Even mild dehydration can cause various health conditions such as, dry skin, chapped lips and dry hands and cuticles. Stay hydrated and healthy to keep your skin smooth and soft.

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