A recent study published in the British Medical Journal found that there are benefits to eating fruit, but not drinking it. More than 200,000 individuals, and their diets, were tracked for two decades, and the results are in: those who ate a couple of servings a week of whole fruit reduced their risk of developing type 2 diabetes by a hearty 23%.

The study showed that eating blueberries, grapes, and apples were the most beneficial in reducing the risk of developing diabetes. Blueberries were found to be by far the best at reducing your risk of developing diabetes.

There’s more. Before you stock up on all things fruit, take note: the same study also found that those who consumed 1 glass of juice per day increased their risk of developing diabetes by 21%.

So, here is the skinny. Eating whole fruit, specifically blueberries, can reduce your risk of diabetes. But drinking any type of sugary fruit juice, (even reduced sugar juice), will increase your risk. Why? The answer is simple: fruit contains fiber and fiber slows the absorption of sugar. When we remove all the fruit (and fiber) during the juicing process, all we are left with is sugar. And sugary liquid will cause blood sugar and insulin levels to rise.

In short, have a few servings of blueberries, grapes or apples, and skip the juice!

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