Katie_1 (425x640)With the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it is hard to stay sane, much less organized. The irony is that when you are organized things run much smoother, but who has the time to GET organized. A common misconception is that you have to be 100% organized in order to reap the benefits. While it is true that the more things are in order, the easier they are to manage; this can be achieved as a gradual process. Here are five tips to help you work towards a less stressful, more organized life:

Keep a Calendar or Planner

This may seem like a small or even tedious use of your time, but you will be shocked at the benefits that come from it.  It takes about one extra minute to write down an appointment or plan after you make it and the amount of stress it can cut out is priceless. We have all had those moments of forgetting to do something or remembering a few minutes before and having to rush to fulfill a commitment. With one extra step, you can cut out the stress of forgetting something important. Writing down your plans can also give you a visual aid of what you may have planned for the day and when you have free time. It may also be helpful to make a calendar for your family and their events. This way everyone can see what the members of the family are up to. Making alerts for important events on your smart phone can also help to keep you on top of your busy schedule.

Start Making Positive Habits

One of the main ways to stay organized is to get in the habit of doing things to help you get there. This can be anything from always putting your shoes away when you first walk in the door, to doing the dishes right when you are finished. It may seem like a little extra work in the beginning, but combined, all the little things you do are what reduce the clutter and make your life easier. This does not have to be something only one person does. Getting your family on board with these habits can make a world of difference. For example, having kids hang up their backpacks and put away their shoes right when they get home from school will not only help the whole family stay organized, but will make the parent’s job easier as well.

Plan Ahead

This is something that seems much easier said than done. Many feel like they just do not have the time to plan ahead. The trick is to not over-think it. Take it one task at a time. Make it a point to do one thing the night before, such as packing your lunch. As you get in the habit of doing it, you will find that it reduces a lot of stress the next day. As you start to feel more and more on top of things, you can begin to prep more and more. Making yourself do something simple, such as laying out your clothes the night before, will make your mornings and your day go by smoother.

Reduce the Volume

Often, we do not realize the volume of stuff that we have. Things we rarely use tend to accumulate without us even noticing. It can be extremely beneficial to go through closets and bedrooms seasonally and clear out what is not needed. This can be a liberating way to de-clutter the space in your house. It can also be a rewarding experience to give away your unneeded items. After deciding what needs to go, try going to a homeless shelter and donating your goods. Not only will your clutter be lessened, but you will be helping others in need.

Take it Slow

Many times busy people set unattainable goals for themselves. We like to think that we can carve out one weekend to organize months of built-up clutter. Mentally, this will only cause more stress and then bring a sense of failure when the task is not completed. Instead, make goals that can be reached. Start by working on one room on a day, when you have free time, then when that is completed move on to the next. Consider setting ten to fifteen minutes a day to clear the clutter that has accumulated throughout the day. Organization does not come overnight, and there is no shame in setting small goals that accommodate your lifestyle.

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