muc-mobileFor many people springtime means allergy time—but it doesn’t have to. Here are the leading three allergies that flare up in spring, and what to do about them.

No one likes allergies. Every spring, however, millions of people will find themselves facing a new round of seasonal allergies. Health care providers, usually see large amounts of patients during this time. What exactly causes these allergies, and why are they so bad in springtime? Here are the top three causes of allergies and the best ways to deal with them.

#1 Pollen Allergies (Hay Fever)

There is no doubt that pollen is the biggest factor in aggravating spring allergies. Pollen is released into the air by plants when they bloom, and numerous plants bloom in springtime—not just flowers but trees, shrubs, and even grasses, which is why this allergy is sometimes called hay fever. Pollen allergies tend to be worst on windy days because wind stirs up the pollen, but they can persist throughout the spring and summer. You can protect yourself by keeping doors and windows closed, not bringing flowers into the house, and minimizing outdoor time when it’s windy. An air purifier in your house can also help.

#2 Mold Allergies

No one wants mold in their house and yet it’s often there even when we cannot see it. Like pollen, the spores put out from mold get into the air and ultimately into your respiratory tract, potentially causing allergies. This can flare up in spring as warmer temperatures and increased humidity make good breeding conditions for mold. Mold allergies are hard to prevent unless you can find and destroy the mold in your house, which may involve having a professional check behind walls.

#3 Dust Allergies

Dust particles are always in the air around us but too much dust can lead to allergies. Spring isn’t usually the worst season for dust, as spring rains help keep it down, but some people can experience flare ups of dust allergies in spring. This is especially true if you turn on air conditioning without changing the filter. Change filters monthly and consider an air purifier for your home.

Visit Your Physician

No matter what the cause of your seasonal allergies, they can be a major source of discomfort and can interfere allergieswith work, if the symptoms become chronic. The easiest way to eliminate allergies is to visit your doctor or local urgent care center and talk to a physician and let them diagnose your symptoms. Physicians can prescribe high level antihistamines if necessary to ease your discomfort. Antihistamines block the symptoms of allergic reactions, such as, freeing you from a runny nose, itchy eyes, constant sneezing, and any other related symptoms.

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