Bone loss in America is disproportionally high for a developed nation with an abundance of dairy.  More osteoporosis cases have been reported in this developed nation where dairy products are widely consumed than non-developed nations where less protein and dairy is consumed.  How does this make sense?   Additionally, in America, Got Milk Ads saturate our schools and Greek yogurt consumerism has reached a fever pitch.  Yet somehow each year the age of patients who experience bone density loss becomes younger and younger. Casein proteins are milk based proteins and have been established as antagonists to colon cancer, developmental disorders such as autism, and allergic reactions directly linked to casein.  The calcium found in milk is actually not completely absorbed because it is it is necessary to break down the casein found within milk by neutralizing acids used in digestion of complex proteins.

Large amounts of animal protein will exacerbate the calcium loss as it is an essential mineral used in digestion, and to regulate the body’s pH level. If the daily intake of calcium is only restricted to milk, the rest of calcium necessary will come from bone, teeth, and blood which will eventually cause demineralization over time.  Caffeine, sodium, and various other foods also deplete the calcium in your body faster than intended.  The best way to replenish calcium and stop bone loss is to reduce the protein intake, and introduce a high quality calcium supplement and vitamin D.

Reducing the intake of specific protein groups, most notably casein and weight bearing exercise will maintain healthy bones, calcium levels, and pH level. 


Adequate Intake for Calcium

0 to 6 months

210 mg from breast milk 315 mg from formula

7 to 12 months

270 mg from breast milk 335 mg from formula

1 to 3 years

500 mg

4 to 8 years

800 mg

9 to 13 years

1,300 mg

14 to 18 years

1,300 mg

19 to 50 years

1,000 mg

51+ years

1,200 mg

Calcium rich alternatives to traditional milk are easier to digest, and the body retains more calcium. The dairy alternatives in recent years have become more nutritious and palatable.   Almond milk is essentially finely ground up almonds mixed with water.  At 60 calories per serving unflavored, it is a lower calorie alternative to dairy milk that is also very nutritious containing 30% of the daily intake of calcium which amounts to 450 mg.   It is important to not exceed 2500mg of calcium per day, as too much calcium may be harmful.

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