Skipping a Beat by David Porzio, M.D.

Skipping a Beat by David Porzio, M.D.

Have you ever experienced the feeling of your heart fluttering, skipping a beat, or pausing? How about the feeling of an irregular heart rhythm with
Colds and Flu by Nathan Kiskila, M.D.

Colds and Flu by Nathan Kiskila, M.D.

The flu (also called influenza) virus typically presents itself with symptoms of feeling tired, fever, body aches or muscle pains, chills and sweats. Symptoms usually
Heat Exhaustion by Dorcas Eaves, M.D.

Heat Exhaustion by Dorcas Eaves, M.D.

Heat stroke and heat exhaustion are more likely to happen during the summer; it is important to take safety measures to avoid heat-related illness.  Heat