Is it My Heart? by Mark Wade, M.D.

Is it My Heart? by Mark Wade, M.D.

Questions?  We are here for you! 1-877-MY DOC NOW (1-877-693-6266) Save time, book your reservation online HERE Heart problems can present with a large variety
Penicillin by Kay Hooshamand, D.O.

Penicillin by Kay Hooshamand, D.O.

Penicillin is one of the original antibiotics used to treat and prevent a variety of bacterial infections in the body such as dental, ear and
Zika in California by Frank Young, M.D.

Zika in California by Frank Young, M.D.

In Southern California, the news features a Zika virus article almost daily. The Asian Tiger mosquito as well as the Yellow Fever mosquito (which could