Food Allergies by Lynn Stanton, M.D.

Food Allergies by Lynn Stanton, M.D.

A food allergy is a magnified immune response triggered by a specific food.  The immune system is designed to defend your body from dangerous substances

Battle of the Bulge by Alison Sims, M.D.

  Unfortunately, as a leading developed country, the United States is losing the battle against obesity. It is a serious problem that not only increases

Healthy Eating for Men by Eryn Shelton

Smart eating will not only keep a man physically and mentally healthy, but it will help him look and act younger too.  Some men have
Mindful Eating This Christmas Season

Mindful Eating This Christmas Season

For some, the holiday season consists of an over-indulgence of tasty foods followed by a New Year’s resolution to lose weight.  It is possible to