If you are at all familiar with working out, then you are also familiar with what comes after…days of being sore and tense, especially if you’re new to working out or don’t know exactly what you’re doing.

Fitness injuries can be some of the most frustrating experiences; they limit not only what you are able to accomplish in the gym but, if you’re not careful, can also leave a lasting effect on day-to-day activities.

According to WebMD, the most common workout injuries include the following:

  • Pulled muscle
  • Strained muscle
  • Sprained ankle
  • Shoulder injury
  • Knee injury
  • Shin splint
  • Tendinitis
  • Wrist sprain
  • Wrist dislocation


However, these and other injuries can be avoided if you learn the proper ways to workout. You want your workout to help you get stronger and be healthy, not hurt you and bring you down. But what can you do to better prepare your mind and body for the most effective workout, without having to risk getting injured in the process? We have just the trick.

Here are the best ways to modify your workouts to reduce your chance of getting injured:


Warm Up Before Working Out

Make sure the muscles are prepared for the exercises you’ll be doing. Spend some time warming up to improve circulation and prepare the muscles for the ranges of motion you’ll be performing during specific workouts. Warm muscles perform effectively, and will greatly reduce the chances of getting injured during a workout.

There are several different ways to warm up, including but not limited to: biking, running, jumping rope or using a row machine.

Also be sure to add some stretching and some post-workout cool-down exercises to further decrease the risk of injury.


Stay Hydrated

Not having enough water is one of the most dangerous choices to make when exercising. Staying hydrated allows the joints and muscles to work better.

Also, when you’re exercising, your body naturally heats up, and water works to help keep the body cool. Staying hydrated allows the body to stay away from overheating or over-exhaustion, which have major side effects.


Learn Proper Form

Be sure that you know the proper form of any exercise you plan to perform. Doing a work out incorrectly is one of the main reasons why so many people get injured while exercising.

Not only will using the correct form help you avoid injury and stay as healthy and active as possible, but it also increases the good properties of each exercise such as proper breathing habits, learning to reduce wasted energy, etc.


Limit Your Weight

Another absolutely crucial aspect of working out is staying within your limits. If you can only healthily lift 20 lbs when working out a certain muscle group, be okay with that. If you push too far too fast, it will cause an injury.

As you gradually work out and train, the body is able to reach higher weights in time. Just don’t get so impatient that you try to hit those higher weights now, because you will likely injure yourself.

Many prominent athletes and trainers have fallen victim to major injury because they attempted to lift a weight level that they weren’t ready for. Don’t let that happen to you, too!


Adjust Your Workout

If you do the same exercises day after day, you might be at risk of overusing certain muscles and putting unnecessary pressure on them. Overuse injuries are a thing, and you definitely don’t want one.

So instead of repeating the same workout every time you go to the gym, try something new! Try a new machine, work out a new muscle group, or learn a new approach to your normal workout. You’ll avoid overuse injuries and experience a new level of fitness!


Know When to Stop

Lastly, you need to be aware of your own limits and what your body can and cannot handle. Know when to stop yourself, even if you’re not completely done with a workout. You want to stay fit and healthy…pushing past the breaking point will not help you accomplish either of those things.



The information provided is for general interest only and should not be misconstrued as a diagnosis, prognosis or treatment recommendation. This information does not in any way constitute the practice of medicine, or any other health care profession. Readers are directed to consult their health care provider regarding their specific health situation. Marque Medical is not liable for any action taken by a reader based upon this information.