Bree PNG


It’s tough to stick to a normal diet and exercise routine when you’re on the road.  Whether you’re heading on a long tropical vacation or planning a quick San Francisco weekend getaway, traveling is still traveling. With summer travel season gearing up, make sure to pack these quick and easy tips for staying healthy while you travel.

Don’t skip the workout. Wherever your destination is, explore the area – on your feet. To me, it’s the best way to get acclimated – especially if you’ve been stuck on an airplane for an extended period of time. These days, hotels have gotten a fitness kick and have nicer gyms. Don’t have time to work out? Pack a rubber exercise band and stretch and do some quick resistance training.

Tip: If you’re traveling for fun – look into renting bikes, it’s a fun and healthy way to explore the sites, while keeping you fit!

Pack healthy snacks. Always come prepared. Carry a back-up snack in case you can’t find anything healthy to eat. Think fresh or dried fruit, almonds, trail mix or protein bars. My grab and go snacks are KIND bars, baggies of trail mix and fruit leather.

Tip: Be like me and raid the fruit and nut section at Trader Joes before your trip!

Bring your vitamins & wash your hands. I bring a variety of vitamins and supplements when I travel to help support my immune system. Emergen-C packs are my go-to. Throw them in water, drink them during breakfast and you’ve got 1,000mg of Vitamin C to help ward off any harmful viruses. Other vitamins I recommend are vitamin E, garlic, a probiotic and turmeric. All are meant to boost your immune system and keep your body on the right track. Remember to bring hand sanitizer and frequently wash your hands – germs are everywhere!

Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. I know when I’m in vacation-mode, I tend to indulge a little more than I normally would at home.  Whether it’s a Bloody Mary at breakfast, or a cold beer at lunch, or a happy hour cocktail, it all adds up. (I’m on vacation after all, right?!) Here’s a fact: Flying severely dehydrates you. Combine flying with alcohol, and you’ve got a combination of severe dehydration.

Tip: Pack a reusable water bottle and fill it up during the day (you can easily fill it up at the hotel). Throw some lemon or sliced fruit in it for fun.

Traveling abroad? – educate yourself. If you’re heading overseas, prepare well in advance. For example – it’s important to find out what vaccinations you might need, if any – especially if you’re traveling with children. Most immunizations should be given at least 1 month before travel. Ask your doctor or visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website for a list of recommended or required vaccinations. Be sure to take your child’s immunizations records with you if you’re traveling internationally.

It’s fun to travel, but it’s miserable if you come home sick from a vacation (or even worse, you get sick while on vacation). It’s easy to consider travel time as off-time from taking care of yourself in the usual way, but practicing total health during your trip will make your vacation all the more enjoyable. Happy traveling!



The information provided is for general interest only and should not be misconstrued as a diagnosis, prognosis or treatment recommendation. This information does not in any way constitute the practice of medicine, or any other health care profession. Readers are directed to consult their health care provider regarding their specific health situation. Marque Medical is not liable for any action taken by a reader based upon this information.